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Saginaw County Local Emergency Planning Committee

The Saginaw County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is a group of community first responders, facility representatives, and community stakeholders who meet to review the Tier II Reports submitted by facilities in Saginaw County. 

Additionally, the LEPC approves basic emergency response plans for facilities that fall under the SARA III planning requirement.  These plans contain very basic information about the chemicals stored at facilities and also provide an overview of areas of special interest surrounding facilities (e.g. schools, hospitals, etc.).  These plans can be used by local first responders to help determine the best course of action during an emergency response to the facility. 

The Saginaw County LEPC meets on the 3rd Thursday in March, June, September, and December at 10 AM.  Check the Saginaw County Calendar for time and location updates.

Questions for the LEPC can be submitted in the following manner:

Email (preferred)


Saginaw County Emergency Management-LEPC

111 S. Michigan Ave

Saginaw, MI 48602



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